Wednesday, 8 May 2019

Lesson Study 07.05.19

Yesterday some of us met with Rhona Leonard to discuss a lesson study cycle to be taught this term. We will plan lessons collaboratively which will be taught in one class with observers looking at three target students. This is to examine how particular students learn and what they bring to the learning experience. The observers do not observe the teaching, they observe the learning for the targeted students. Students are interviewed after each lesson to discuss the learning which has taken place. Teachers then discuss their findings from the lesson, the information is then used to plan subsequent lessons. There will be three lessons in this cycle.

Rhona shared the following questions for us to reflect on:

1. What role does reflection and collaborative practice play in your current practice, before actually starting LS?

As a staff we currently plan collaboratively for each term. Our involvement in coaching means that we all have a 'professional buddy' who we are encouraged to meet with on a regular basis to discuss our target students in particular, reflect on what we are currently doing for them and talk about what we might do differently. Reflection is a huge part of all planning and should inform any future teaching and learning. As a staff we will always 'debrief' after any schoolwide events, reflecting on what went well and what we could do differnetly in the future.

2.      Thinking about effective teaching and learning, what do you consider to be examples of this in your current practice, before starting LS?

As Principal it is my role to lead this within the school. To observe current practice and give feed back and feed forward. The collaborative nature of our current staff show examples of effective teaching and learning. We are currently collecting student voice around the ways our students learn to help us continue to provide effective teaching and learning.

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