Tuesday, 30 April 2019

Teaching as Inquiry TOD 26/4

This morning we broke down and summarised the Spiral of Inquiry with Susan.
As a staff we had rich discussion on what each stage of Inquiry means and how we can incorporate
this into our practice.
We then established a direction for our collaborative inquiry that worked underneath the
Ka Hui Ako overarching question:
How can I use rich tasks and flexible groupings to promote critical thinking?

Oruaiti School focus:
How can learners use a range of ways to demonstrate their learning?

We have noticed a school wide gap in students not being confident to articulate the direction
of their learning.

Seven principles of learning.
We identified Learners at the centre as our areas of focus.
These reflective questions are what we are focusing on:

We understand that there can be a range of ways that learners can demonstrate their learning.
We are interested in discovering which ways learners can currently articulate their learning goals,
needs and next steps and how we can support them to do this better.

Week 1 Scanning:
We will collect student voice.
We plan to teach lessons and ask students to demonstrate what they have learnt
(we will try 5 different methods e.g: discuss verbally, write, draw, song/poem/rap,
blog reflection, drama, p.e)
We will record data and be prepared to share our findings at our staff meeting in Week 3,
this will also be recorded on our blogs.
What was the most successful method?

Where do I think focusing my attention would be most useful?


  1. Hi Diane,
    Cool to visit your blog. I have remembered how to fix the formatting, let me know when you want me to help with this and your photo :)

  2. Kia ora Diane, I love being a part of the staff at Oruaiti school. Very forward thinking and collaberative :)
