Sunday, 5 April 2020

DFI 5 Sites

Learning about sites today. I made a site, but after looking at what others have done I realise that my site would not be engaging or motivating to students. I will go back and continue to work on my site. I think I have enough knowledge of how it works to continue 'playing' and adding things to make my site more appealing. I will continue to look at what others have done and use rewindable learning to access the slides showing us how to create a slide. Learning in this way online is giving me an insight into what the learning is going to be like for our students in the coming weeks. Sometimes it can be difficult to fully understand something when you don't have someone sitting alongside you. I need to be thinking about how we are going to make this happen for our students.

Other things that I got out of todays session.

Gratitude link-So nice to hear of everything that people are grateful for in these challenging times.

Visible Teaching and Learning

Either you can see it or you can't, clear crisp vision. Make what you are doing visible. Limit the links, take away the barriers. Links to everything on class sites, ready to go for all students.
Visibility includes whanau. Whanau in the home can participate in childs learning. Visible to colleagues, making practise visible to learn from each other.
Previously learning has often been hidden from learners and their whanau, not open process contributed to failure at times. Rewindable content means learners can go back and look again.
Success was often being able to read the teachers mind, what did they want.
Cultural capital, parents can help their children how to be successful at school, not the same for all students. Learning intentions and success criteria has helped to make the learning more visible.
Whole journey - planning, process, outcomes, assessment.
Child at the centre of the learning.
Day to day functioning and progression should be open and visible.
Google sites - space to design online website to turbo charge learning.
No surprises - think about this when looking at teachng and learning, think ahead and remove barriers.
Hapara teacher dashboard, designed for manaiakalani so that learning is visible to the teacher. One slide deck to give teachers visibility. Parent portal makes learning visible to parents.
Class on air, episodes still available on class on air, modelling teaching from home.
Inquiries visible online, may be through blogs. share what works and also what doesn't.
Feedback and feed forward crucial to learners. Through technology we can leave comments and get threaded conversations going with children, also through their blogs, keep connecting with their learning.
The most effective teachers use the Learn, Create, Share pedagogy.
Technology can make learning invisible if we don't follow the process, we must not have unnecessary passwords, must not be emailing work to kids, limit the links, work on sites so students can access. Through emails only the students who check their emails will see the work.

Multi modal

So many different modes of communicating our message. Think of the person at the other end. How can we make our learning inclusive. How we can reach students so they can take responsibility for learning online and self scaffold.

Engagement, personalised learning, accelerating student achievement and empowering students.
Hook - how we design and put things together is key.
Class site needs to be engaging. Home page have all strong key communication on here to engage, limit the links, one click to get to somewhere else.
Hook students is first goal. Students interested and want to be there, excited about learning.
Initially engagement through the use of a device, needs to be backed up with engaging activities.
Being right place, right time doing the right thing.
Universal design for learning - no one size fits all. recognise that what engages one student does not necessarily engage another. Class site needs to 'stand alone' be engaging for student. Bring in different media, videos, different texts etc.
How things are presented can engae students. Make multi modal sites engaging and visibly interesting.

How to make a new site ... Have another look at the slides for this information.

Thingsto include:

Multi modes might mean written texts a video a song a chart a graphic a cartoon statistics
People can choose the mode that suits their learning. Multiple opportunities to find some way they can learn.
Read multiple texts. Base text, scaffolding text - read independently, complementary text - more examples, challenging text - could be harder, offering different point of view, conflicting information, different approaches. Student selected text - invitation to add to a resouirce bank. Big question

My site (Will keep working on this)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Diane

    You've made some great notes here you can refer back to and good on you for getting started with your site. The TKI instructional series has lots of resources on sustainability that you can embed into your site that will help to make it a really rich multi-modal site. It's a very creative process putting together a site and a lot of fun. Remember to make your home page your shop window with all the bells and whistles to hook your students in.
    Looking forward to seeing how it develops Diane 😄
