Saturday, 13 July 2019


What an amazing Production this year 'Kia Kaha Kiwi' the script for this including a song sung by the whole school was written by Kara Fleming. The main characters spent time working with Petrina Hodgson to develop voice projection and acting skills. The hard work by both of these teachers was evident in the final Production. All teachers had put a great deal of effort into their class items and our wonderful support staff had made sure that all costumes were amazing! Thank You to everyone.
We had approximately 120 Grandparents and special friends at the morning session and then approximately 300 at the evening performance. This is a true reflection of the wonderful supportive community we have!
We all know that Productions can be quite stressful, but when we see results like this it makes it all worthwhile!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to work with the main characters. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience, even though it took up more of my time and effort than I realised it might ;) I loved the production and I know the students I worked with, and in my class, loved it too!
