Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Manaiakalani Information evening 29th October

We held an information evening for parents regarding the purchase of chrome books for students who will be in year four in 2020. We had 7 families out of 17 attend this evening. We were supported by Donna Yates and Lee Whitelaw from Manaiakalani. There was alot of discussion about our decision to do this and I think all questions were answered. The emphasis for this was on the fact that the chrome book is a tool and we are all still focused on 'Good teaching and learning'

Manaiakalani Wananga

I attended the Manaiakalani Wananga in Auckland last week. This was a great opportunity to talk with other Principals and Lead teachers and collaborate.  The link to the presentation is below. Also in this link is the presentations from the innovative teachers for this year.
I also visited Panmure Bridge School and talked with the Principal Richard Johnston about their journey as part of Manaiakalani. This was also an opportunity to discuss some of the initiatives they currently have in their school.