Saturday, 13 July 2019


What an amazing Production this year 'Kia Kaha Kiwi' the script for this including a song sung by the whole school was written by Kara Fleming. The main characters spent time working with Petrina Hodgson to develop voice projection and acting skills. The hard work by both of these teachers was evident in the final Production. All teachers had put a great deal of effort into their class items and our wonderful support staff had made sure that all costumes were amazing! Thank You to everyone.
We had approximately 120 Grandparents and special friends at the morning session and then approximately 300 at the evening performance. This is a true reflection of the wonderful supportive community we have!
We all know that Productions can be quite stressful, but when we see results like this it makes it all worthwhile!!


I am continuing to work with Sue Holmes to design a local curriculum for Oruaiti School. We met again on 27th June. We looked at the checklist of where we are currently at

We alo looked at how the curriculum could be developed as a school site. I will start working on this using the site template that Meg created for our term overviews. Some of what we currently have in our curriculum will be able to be used. I ave started re reading Elwyn Richardsons book  'In the Early World' This is helping me to think about the history of Oruaiti School and what makes us special. There is a great deal of what Elwyn was doing that we would like to continue. I am meeting with Sue again on 6th August. The notes from our last meeting and next steps are attached.